Sunday, September 14, 2008

shorty is a 10

ok so i have a job interview on tuesday!
im pretty excited.
i need to leave my current hell hole of a job quick!
hopefully i get it, being broke doesnt fly with me..ok
car payments aint fun when you get your hrs cut

man if i get it ill be able to chill again and stop worrying about everything!
i really wanna go see cynthia in san diego since she moved there!

im excited about my drive up to san francisco with erich this weekend!!
aw man :]

yea things are looking good for now
im super positive but i gotta be realistic.

oh man i never watched those anime films.
ive been way to busy with family since my grandma came from mexico then left them my grandpa and people coming and driving to see other people. then the quinces.
i gotta make time tho..

summers are always hectic in my house everyone comes over..all the time.

my grandpa is leaving tomorrow. i dont want him to go. ima miss the little guy<3
i love him so much and i know ill see him soon but it breaks my heart to have to see him go.
ill see him soon. maybe for christmas. ill be counting the days

good night sweet dreams


TKO_William said...

So I know this is going to sound random, but I just bought this cd by a band called Dr. Manhattan and I searched for a song called Tracy's Buns..and I found your blog from googling that? Anyways, I thought I'd leave a comment and say hey since someone else out there likes that song besides me haha.

sUP kIDS said...

omg i love them. i hope you liked the album.