Saturday, June 28, 2008

um hello?!

does friend ship not mean anything to people now a days.

fuck people.

how can you be so close to someone. always have them run to you. you do everything for them. and then they just leave like its no big thing.


its been done to me twice

im sick of people making me feel like i wasnt as big as a part of there lives as they were mine.

lately im starting to think i really dont have close friends anymore.

i guess ill see ya when you come back, if ever

i guess ill never see you again, since we both pushed eachother away

i would hate to think the person i loved, didnt give a shit back


Anonymous said...

sometimes the people who seem like your friends, really arent friends at all. its sucks, but its true. this is actually happening to two really close friends of mine, and i dont want to chose between the two.

sUP kIDS said...

true. id hate to lose anyone tho