im not going to go there haha..
never mind
i went to a two hour church with my parents today. from the beginning i felt out of place. why? well im glad you asked. because it was a "special" church for all the couples that went to the marriage retreat. i didnt go. im no part of a couple, far from it. but what the hey i went along with it. i then started to look around at the people and realized that im the only person my age here that came with their parents. everyone else kids were like 14 at the most. the only other people my age there were this married couple.
jeeeeeeeeeez. my age and married. wowzers man. one of my best friends is married to a good friend of mine. i envy that. to find someone you want to share the rest of your life is have it at our age is extraordinary. its hard to find. but even if i had someone amazing marriage is a big step. but im glad they found it either way.
i think if you feel like your ready to get married at whatever age, go for it. being married doesnt mean its the end of the world. i hate when people say that. you can still have a life, the life you had before. just some thing have to change because its not longer just you its us. but enough about that..
so i sat there and though, my parents cant be the only couple with kids my age. i started to wonder where their kids where and why they didnt come. my brother didnt tag along cuz he worked. im not saying that im too old for church, i just wonder why im the only person that still goes to these type of things with there parents. was nice.
there were the usual kids that were playing the whole time. i sat behind a row of kids so it kinda would disturb my Jesus time. i watched them fight over toys then share toys. one little boy kept trying to play hide and seek with me. that was fun. i love kids, but dang they are a handful.
so our usually sunday choir is a group of kids. they cant really sing, and they play the piano and guitar semi good. so its really not that great but its funny so i love it. plus i think its sweet that its just kids. theres the main guy that runs it and he plays the guitar so it really does sound decent thanks to him. reminds me of wheni was in our Church's choir back in south city, good old all souls. my parents got married there.
back to what i was saying..
but this time there was just one guy, a guitar, keyboards, and a beat machine. yea man. it had style. it was cheesy. but it sounded pretty official. some straight up low budget decent cd music good. he was dressed in all black. with this antonio banderas El Mariachi gelled back hair. but that man can sing. he sounded like someone my mom would blast in the kitchen early in the morning.

then in the middle of the church when we shake hands to welcome each other everyone kept throwing there hands in the air. they made this hand gesture that means peace or something or another. i just sat and laughed to myself cuz this is what they did. it just looked funny watching old people throw it up. and my dad kept doing it and would lean in and say rock on. it was dreadful.
so then they went on about mothers for mothers day. they shared stories and played a song. i leaned in to my mom and held her and before i knew it we were both crying. yea we're both softies like that.
all in all it was nice. at times i felt kinda strange sitting there while they were talking about the relationship of the husband and wife. there was even a point where they told the parents to take their kids to a separate room and my dad looked at me and made this joke about how i should go and have fun playing with the kids. i didnt go to the room. i still have my pride damn it.
so now my parents want to go to a family retreat in june. all 4 of us a whole weekend dedicated to bring us close to each other and God. i told my mom id go, i know itll mean alot to her.
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