Wednesday, April 23, 2008

dumb ass trick

so my cousin is a douche bag, so be it. all she had to say was that she didnt even want to read the shit my mom had to say to her, and went on to insult us both.

my responce was simple, i called her a stupid ass ignorant bitch cuz she knows she read it and i guess trying to be the bigger person and keep the peace wont work with her. i told her she was a waste of time. her whole life has been she has nothing to show for herself. i told her to never expect anything from us becuase all she is is an oppertunist thats expects everything to be done for her.

i told her i was done with her days ago.

really this shit was GAY. level 10 gay. i mean we had to write back and forth thru myspace cuz the bitch doesnt even have a phone. so i deleted her and blocked her. i realy am just over it.

the end, she isnt my family

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